
Collaborative Agreement
We are conducting the project under a collaborative agreement between the University of Stirling, Newcastle University and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Peru (PUCP).
Project partner
Asociación Servicios Educativos Rurales (SER)
Colleagues at SER have supported us in many ways, putting us in touch with individuals and organisations working in indigenous rights, especially with women’s organisations and the female indigenous leaders who participate in the project. They have been instrumental in the ongoing delivery of the project’s objectives and their help has been invaluable in organising the logistics related to the different activities.
We are very grateful to the female indigenous leaders who have selflessly given of their time to participate in the project’s activities and have shared their life stories with us. They are:
Julia Alanya Barrial, Olga Calderón Flores, Ana Coras Cajamarca, Zoila Gamboa García, Nelly Mejía Paredes, Lina Mendoza Pariona, Alina Morote Contreras, Clelia Rivero Reginaldo, Clotilde Silva Coronado, Margarita Soto Bautista
Norma Ajrota Inquilla, Bertha Asqui Juárez, Yolanda Crisisto Ayraya, Adelma Quispe Condori
Our work would not have been possible without the professionalism and generosity of institutions and individuals. We are especially grateful to:
Lugar de la Memoria, la Tolerancia y la Inclusión Social
Lee Anthony Bendezú Bendezú, our audiovisual technician