Research team
Raquel de Pedro Ricoy

I hold the Chair of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Stirling (Scotland, UK). Most of my academic career has centred on the training of translators and interpreters and I have also worked as a freelance translator, interpreter and lexicographer. My research interests lie in the social and cultural dimensions of translation and interpreting, especially in relation to interpreting in public-service settings that involves minoritised communities, and in the translation of multimodal texts. I have published extensively and delivered keynote lectures and presentations on these subjects in the Americas, Asia and Europe.
Rosaleen Howard

I work on anthropological linguistics and socio linguistics of the Andes. My research is based onfield work in areas where both Spanish and Quechua are spoken (Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia). My PhD dealt with Quichua oral storytelling in highland Ecuador.Since then I have published widely on Quechua oral history and narrative performance; anthropological approaches to the study of language contact, including translation issues; the grammatical marking of evidence in Quechua discourse; language politics and language policy in the Andes; language and cultural identity in the Andes; intercultural education policy for indigenous peoples. My books include Por los linderos de la lengua. Ideologías lingüísticas en los Andes (2007, Lima: IEP/IFEA/PUCP) and Kawsay Vida. A Multimedia Quechua Course for Beginners and Beyond (2014, University of Texas Press).
Luis Andrade Ciudad

I am Associate Professor in Linguistics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). My research interests are language contact, Andean linguistics, ethnographic and socio-cultural approaches to language history, and the dialectology of Peruvian Spanish. My doctoral thesis described the dialectology of the northern Peruvian Andean Spanish and analysed its historical roots. I have also researched and published on Quechua dialectology and Spanish-Quechua contact. Among my books are The Spanish of the Northern Peruvian Andes. A Sociohistorical and Dialectological Account (2016, Oxford: Peter Lang) and, co-authored with Jorge Iván Pérez Silva, Las lenguas del Perú (2009,Lima: PUCP).